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The Power of Social Media in Your Recruitment Strategy

Are your traditional recruitment methods yield fewer qualified candidates but at the same higher costs? Talent is the engine that runs your business – and ensuring you bring in and retain the best people helps your business succeed. Using channels like social media for recruitment marketing lets you reach potential employees directly and show why your company is a great workplace.  

Keep reading to learn about social media's many benefits as part of a recruitment marketing strategy! 


Benefits of Conducting Recruitment on Social Media 

From increasing job visibility to engaging with candidates, social media can provide a lot of value in attracting top talent to your organization while reaching candidates where they are.  

Increases Job Visibility 

Promoting your job opportunities and recruitment marketing on social media increases job visibility by putting them in front of a large and diverse audience of potential candidates. 79% of job seekers have used social media in their job search, and 73% of Millennials found their last job through a social media platform. 

Unlike job boards, social media's vast user base includes people from all walks of life and professional backgrounds. That means you can reach a broader range of potential candidates, including those who may be qualified for your position but are not checking your specific niche. 

Social media platforms often have advanced targeting capabilities, allowing you to reach specific demographics and job titles. You can also use paid advertising options like sponsored posts or boosted posts to increase your job's visibility and ensure the right people see it.  

Helps You Reach Passive Candidates 

In addition to reaching candidates who may not be looking in your niche, social media helps you reach candidates who don't search for jobs consistently, otherwise known as passive candidates. Many potential candidates aren't actively looking for new job opportunities but are still open to new possibilities if the right opportunity arises.  

Social media platforms allow you to reach these passive candidates by showcasing your job opportunities to a broader audience. Job boards rely on people seeking opportunities, whereas social media will enable you to present openings yourself. 

You can also share more information about your company beyond your job opening by sharing posts about your company culture, industry news, and other interesting content. These let you engage with potential candidates who may not have otherwise seen your job openings or saw them but were not interested initially. They may even reach someone who isn't open to a new job yet but may be more likely to think of you when they begin their job search.  

Improves Employer Brand Awareness 

Social media allows you to improve employer brand awareness through your recruitment marketing. Sharing content about your company, like your culture, values, mission, and culture, highlights your value as an organization and leader. Doing so can increase your organization's visibility and promote your brand as an attractive employer. 

Regularly posting on social media allows you to build a following of engaged followers interested in your company's activities and news. As you continue to post, it builds a strong online presence and can create a positive image that attracts top talent. Social media provides an opportunity to showcase your company's unique qualities and differentiators. In the same way, you want to demonstrate your unique value proposition to customers and show candidates your value as an employer. Sharing posts about your employee benefits, community involvement, and other positive aspects of your organization allows you to set yourself apart from other employers in your industry. 

Reduces Hiring Costs 

Compared to traditional recruitment methods, social media is often more cost-effective, allowing you to reach a wider audience and reduce hiring costs. Job postings on social media platforms are often free since they're often regular social media posts. Even if you pay for social media ads, they are less costly than job boards when you factor in the extended visibility. Social media platforms also offer improved targeting capabilities, allowing you to reach specific demographics and job titles at a lower cost than traditional advertising methods. 

Allows for Engagement with Candidates 

Recruitment marketing on social media allows for engagement with candidates, which is a one-way channel for basically every other metric. Candidates can respond to job postings, ask questions, and interact with your organization in real-time through social media posts. Responding and engaging with candidates on social media shows an actual back-and-forth, letting you create personal connections and build relationships with potential candidates. That can help establish trust and form a positive impression of your organization, making candidates feel better about applying for your job openings. 

Engaging with candidates on social media also allows you to provide more information about your job postings, answer questions, and address concerns, which help candidates better understand your organization and the job opportunity, leading to more informed and qualified applicants. Since these interactions are public, candidates beyond the person you respond to can see your conversation. They're just as likely to think positively about your organization and apply, even if they're less active on social media. 

You Can Target More Specific Talent 

Social media has more targeting capabilities, helping your recruitment marketing target people with the specific qualifications you need. You can use information about your ideal candidate's background, personality, or location to create posts.  

For instance, LinkedIn allows you to target candidates based on job title, industry, company size, and location, among other criteria. That helps you improve the quality of your candidates and reduce the time and resources spent reviewing applications from unqualified candidates. You can also tailor your job postings to reach candidates who are a good fit for your organization and the specific job opportunity, increasing the chances of finding the right candidate. 

Lean on Social Media to Conduct Your Recruitment! 

Social media is a powerful tool to help organizations improve their recruitment marketing strategies. By leveraging social media's benefits, organizations can increase job visibility, reach passive candidates, improve employer brand awareness, reduce hiring costs, engage candidates, and target more specific talent.  

At McClatchy, we understand the importance of social media in recruitment marketing and can help organizations maximize their social media potential. From creating compelling job postings to developing a targeted social media strategy, we have the expertise and experience to help organizations find the right candidate. If you're looking to improve your recruitment marketing strategy, contact us today! We can help you find the right talent to drive your organization's success. 


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