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Our Top Travel Marketing Trends in Under 60 Seconds

Travel and tourism marketers know the industry can be unpredictable. One of the biggest challenges today is getting destinations back to pre-pandemic levels. But what is destination marketing if you don’t keep up with the latest trends, too?

Here are our top four travel marketing trends to outpace competitors, boost engagement, and increase ROI.

Check Out Our Top 4 Travel Marketing Trends1. Video Marketing

People love travel videos. The best part? Short-form video has the highest ROI of any social media strategy.

2. SEO

Visibility is crucial for marketers. Most travelers look online first, and 75% of searches don’t go past page two on Google!

3. TikTok Marketing

This popular app has over a billion monthly users and travel videos have the potential to go viral!

4. Facebook Ads

Still a faithful marketing option, and it works too. 90% of people buy from brands they see on social media.

Tourism Marketing with McClatchy

Knowing how to market a tourist destination effectively can be challenging, so it’s best to partner with experts. You can count on a multimedia partner like McClatchy to execute these trends for a higher travel marketing ROI. Implement these strategies and more by reaching out to McClatchy’s expert travel marketing team to get started.


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