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Does Video Marketing Have a Role in the Legal Industry?

Legal firms have many options nowadays to reach consumers with their marketing messages. From SEO and PPC to email marketing and OTT, there are no shortage of channels attorneys can use to strengthen their brand's position. 

One advertising avenue with exceptional potential in the legal industry is video marketing. In the following information, we'll discuss video's role in legal marketing, the types of video you may want to consider using, and some best practices to implement along the way. 

Video's Role in Legal Marketing 

Video has rich options for sharing information in a marketing context. For many consumers, watching a video is much more accessible than reading text, especially when explaining unfamiliar topics. It's no wonder that video's popularity in advertising has continued to increase yearly! 

Video allows you to share advice and general legal knowledge with your prospects while simultaneously "putting a face" to your firm. Thus, it's not only a great way to demonstrate your expertise but also a vital way to cultivate trust among your consumer base. The importance of developing such trust can hardly be overstated, especially with research indicating that 65% of consumers either don't or aren't sure whether they trust lawyers. 

Types of Video Legal Firms Can Use 

What are the best kinds of videos for legal firms to share with their audience? While there are no hard-and-fast rules, many firms use the following categories to powerful effect: 

  • Introductions to the firm.Introductory videos can humanize your brand in the eyes of the average consumer. It helps them see your firm's real people and their dedication to the profession. You can use this type of video to explain in more detail what your firm does (e.g., which areas of law you specialize in) and how you help clients. Think of it as giving your audience a "behind the scenes" look at your firm. 
  • Explain general legal knowledge.While you certainly would never use video marketing to deliver specific legal advice, it is an excellent forum for dispensing general legal knowledge about your expertise. For example, personal injury attorneys may use videos to explain the basic steps an individual needs to take after an auto accident. Publishing videos like this provide practical value to your viewers and also help them to further perceive your firm as an authority on the subject. 
  • Share case studies and testimonials. Social proof is a major part of any effective legal marketing campaign. Prospective clients want to know how your firm has helped previous clients win cases or receive damages. Review and testimonial videos don't have to be long to be effective, given that the interviewees are reputable and convincing. Whereas case study videos will typically be longer, allowing you to go into more detail about how you helped a specific client win their case. 
  • Host webinars or Q&A sessions. You can use webinars and Q&A sessions in a few different ways. For instance, you can invite the general public to attend and thus increase your brand awareness and credibility that way. You may also use this category for "internal marketing" — i.e., by covering legal updates and helping your firm's team members navigate them effectively. 

Tips for Sharing Legal Marketing Videos 

There are several best practices that you can implement to take your video marketing efforts to the next level. Here are just three in particular to consider: 

  1. Make sure to publish your videos on your website.For most legal firms, their website (along with their Google Business profile) is their marketing "hub." It's likely your other marketing efforts funnel prospects toward your website, so uploading your videos to the website, making it more likely they’ll see your videos. 
  2. Share your videos on social media platforms.While your website may be the hub, sharing your videos on as many social media platforms as possible is helpful. These may include LinkedIn, Facebook, or YouTube. However, you may need to modify the video to fit the platform's format. (For example, with pre-roll ads on YouTube, you should design them to catch viewer attention immediately since they'll likely have the option to skip them.) 
  3. Distribute videos via email. Never neglect email marketing as a way to share videos with contacts, nurture leads, and possibly engage past clients. 
  4. Use Videos in OTT Advertising. OTT platforms give you another option to use your videos, as you can include them on platforms like YouTube ads and streaming services. Since video is a transferrable service, you can leverage it easily using this medium. 

Engage Prospects and Clients with Video Marketing 

Video marketing most definitely has a place in the legal industry. It's accessible, popular, and provides an easy way for your firm to build credibility and trust among your target consumers. 

If you'd like to learn more about how McClatchy's team of marketing professionals can use video marketing to grow your legal business, reach out today. We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

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