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Build Trust and Credibility as a Healthcare Institution


Access to high-quality healthcare is one of the most important assets any community can have. Healthcare facilities promote and uphold public health and directly impact the overall well-being of the local community. 

Residents must view such institutions as trustworthy and credible. A lack of trust in healthcare facilities will create problems for organizations, their partners, and patients. Therefore, the question arises: How can you build (or continue to build) trust and credibility as a healthcare institution? The following information will discuss the answer in depth. 

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Establish Trust and Credibility as a Healthcare Facility 

One of the first steps a healthcare institution can take toward establishing trust and credibility is to spread brand awareness with targeted marketing efforts. You want to establish a reputation that resonates with your target audience and clearly defines your healthcare identity. Remember that this is a gradual process; research indicates it takes several impressions for a prospective patient to remember and recognize your facility. 

In addition, never neglect the basics of healthcare marketing. Something as simple and obvious as owning a website can make a massive difference. One study found that 56% of consumers say they don't trust brands that don't have a website. 

Investing in marketing will impact your healthcare business directly and contribute to a firmer foundation of trust and credibility in the public eye. 

Communicate and Be Transparent 

Communication is an essential component of high-quality care. Ensure you fully utilize your marketing and communication channels to foster transparency within and about your practice. For example, use such channels to stay in contact with patients before and after their visit to your facility. Respond promptly to questions, and provide updates about any changes in care. 

One way to promote transparency is by leveraging social media platforms. Consider ways to engage with customers and prospects on social media and be consistent with your posting cadence. If you position yourself as an excellent communicator, people will likelier trust other aspects of your business. 

Provide Great Quality Care 

While your marketing efforts can help you generate brand awareness and acquire new patients, your quality of care must back up those efforts to achieve sustainable success. After all, "word of mouth" marketing is one of the most powerful channels. After all, you want your patients to speak about your facility's care in glowing terms.  

How can you achieve a high (or higher) standard of patient care? One contributing factor would be focusing on patient safety. It's also vital to listen to patients, even to the extent of asking for their feedback through surveys or invitations to participate in focus groups. Improving through feedback can go a long way toward bolstering your facility's reputation. 

Earn Community Goodwill 

Even though your facility provides service to the local community, you can "be present" with fellow residents in other ways. For example, your institution can sponsor or participate in community events. If there's an upcoming job fair in the area and you're hiring, you can send representatives to promote your organization or answer any questions job seekers may have. Or if a local school is holding a fundraiser, you can donate or contribute another way. 

All such efforts will help "put a face" to your institution and earn your local community's goodwill and appreciation.  

Use Customer Testimonials 

Social proof is a powerful driver for trust and credibility in nearly every industry. Healthcare is no exception. Consider using testimonials from past and current patients to demonstrate how your services can benefit those under your care. Highlight how these patients overcame serious health issues and achieved a higher quality of life with help from your team of medical professionals. Testimonials like this can reassure prospects and new patients that they will also receive exceptional care from your institution. 

Partner with McClatchy to Continuing Building Trust and Credibility 

Healthcare facilities need to be trustworthy, reliable presences in their local communities. Through diligent marketing efforts, transparency, community involvement, and customer testimonials — backed up by excellent care — you'll put your facility in the best position for success moving forward.  

At McClatchy, we have extensive experience helping healthcare businesses thrive in their local communities. We can help you build your practice's reputation, attract more customers to your business, and more effectively retain existing patients. If you'd like to learn more about how we can help, reach out to us today! 


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