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Build Credibility and Trust with CBD and Cannabis Content Marketing

Build Credibility and Trust with CBD and Cannabis Content Marketing

There is a lot of misunderstanding around cannabis, and many businesses — from eCommerce CBD brands and brick-and-mortar stores to dispensaries — may have difficulty effectively marketing their products. Because cannabis, CBD, THCV, delta 8, etc., and its legalities are relatively new, brands must build trust and credibility.

So, how can you build credibility and trust? With cannabis content marketing, of course!

According to recent research, more than 91% of businesses use content marketing. Why? The report states that this is because those who use content marketing in their strategy benefit from 27.1% higher win rates, better brand awareness (84%), credibility and trust (65%), educating their audience (75%), and generating leads (61%).

For CBD and cannabis brands, these areas are crucial to advertising hemp products and influencing consumers to buy from you. Whether you're looking for tips on your cannabis dispensary marketing strategy or advice on content marketing for e-commerce CBD brands, here's how you can make the most of your advertising by building trust and credibility.

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What Can You Do When Your Brand Can't Post on the 'Gram?

The toughest challenges of successful cannabis advertising are the stringent social media guidelines for cannabis that make advertising marijuana products difficult. While all industries have their challenges when it comes to marketing, cannabis advertising laws are arguably the most restrictive.

A few examples of cannabis social media marketing rules include:

  • Facebook — has an advertising policy on unsafe substances, for which 'recreational or medical marijuana' is mentioned, states that "ads must not promote the sale or use of illicit or recreational drugs, or other unsafe substances, products or supplements..."
  • Twitter — The platform recites its policy as the prohibition of "the promotion of drugs and drug paraphernalia," including recreational and herbal drugs.
  • Instagram — straight from Instagram's Help Center, the platform says that they do not "allow people or organizations to use the platform for advertising or selling marijuana, regardless of the seller's state or country. Our policy prohibits any marijuana seller, including dispensaries, from promoting their business by providing contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, and street addresses or using the "contact us" tab in Instagram Business Accounts."

These challenges often make reaching and resonating with your audience difficult. Fortunately, a content marketing strategy can make all the difference.

Content is the Green Light to Credibility

As Tom Fishburne, a content marketing specialist, once pointed out, "The best marketing doesn't feel like marketing." This is where content marketing can market your CBD and cannabis brand without overwhelming your audience with annoying promotions. It's the green light to credibility in many ways, particularly in the following.

Content Marketing Builds Trust with Your Audience

According to one study, 78% of consumers will trust your brand more when you create customized content that resonates with their needs and wants. Another found that 74% of consumers trust brand-created educational content as long as it is "objective and doesn't explicitly try to sell a product/service."

So, the key to building trust with your audience as a cannabis brand is to create content that:

  • Informs readers about what cannabis is and how it can be beneficial
  • Educates about the different types and uses
  • Breaks down the stigma with facts and data

These components in your cannabis blog will help you establishes expertise and authority on the subject so readers know they can trust you to have the answers to their many questions.

Educate Your Audience with Valuable Content

There's nothing more frustrating for consumers than clicking on a headline only to find out there isn't any real answer or value to the content. Your content needs to have all the solutions to your audience's pain points, problems, and needs. It requires a purpose.

This means it tackles one subject at a time, answering the question the topic or headline imposes. Most importantly, your reader should walk away from it confident that they got what they needed from it and can rely on you to deliver the same positive experience every time.

Become a Thought Leader in the Cannabis Industry

A thought leader is someone whose views on a given subject — in this case, cannabis — are considered authoritative and influential. When you have a great collection of cannabis content available for consumers to reference when they have specific questions or concerns, you establish the title of a thought leader in the cannabis industry.

By becoming a thought leader, you can benefit from:

  • A boost in sales
  • More trust and credibility on the topic of cannabis
  • Validation and reputation in the industry are improved through your body of published work
  • Become influential in the decisions consumers make, and more

Don't Forget about Cannabis Influencer Marketing

While 87% of people rely on reviews and recommendations from friends and family on what brand to buy from, 71% still trust bloggers and influencers. Getting every customer to refer your cannabis products to all their friends and family may be challenging — and still, the reach is limited by their group. With an influencer — particularly one relevant to the cannabis industry and popular among the right audience — you can reach their large consumer base with a single promotion.

Make Content Marketing a Joint Effort with McClatchy

When you're ready to make a difference for your brand and leverage content marketing to its full potential, partner with McClatchy for cannabis marketing.

Access to Millions with McClatchy

Cannabis marketing can be difficult due to the often-strict rules impeding information. With McClatchy, you get access to a coast-to-coast national audience of millions without some of the rigid restrictions found on social media platforms. Or, if you need an audience in a specific geographic area, we’ve got it covered with 30 specific local markets with the reach you need.

Working with just any media partner won't work when you're a CBD or cannabis brand because there are so many more rules and regulations to follow with your campaign. You need someone with the right expertise and experience to guide your brand to success and growth.

We not only have an expert cannabis marketing team to help with campaigns, but we have a track record of getting desired results.


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