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6 Clever Lead Generation Ideas for Home Builders

6 Clever Lead Generation Ideas for Home Builders

The home building industry is incredibly competitive, with 439,063 Home Builder businesses in the U.S. industry and some areas are more competitive than others. When this happens, companies begin to blur together to consumers if there isn't any real differentiator between them to persuade them otherwise. 

So, how can you ensure you stand out? Advertising! 

Advertising drives lead generation for home building companies by getting your name out there, highlighting your value, and showcasing the positive things that make you different from (and better than) the competition. 

Why Advertise with McClatchy? Learn Why Here.How Home Builders Benefit from Digital Marketing

How Home Builders Benefit from Digital MarketingDigital marketing combines online marketing methods that strengthen your digital presence, expand your reach beyond physical limitations, and leverage digital communications to promote your brand. Essentially, it encompasses all the intentions and purposes of traditional marketing with a more digital focus. 

From a home building perspective, it balances B2B and B2C to reach contractors building inventory and individuals building dream homes. Other ways you can benefit from digital marketing include: 

  • Building connections and relationships with locals 
  • Multiple strategies to leverage 
  • Effective for hyper-targeting 
  • Boosts engagement  
  • Ability to track and measure results for:  
    • Real-time updates/improvements, and 
    • More informed decision-making on future campaigns

Six Home Building Lead Generation Ideas You Need to Stand Out

Lead generation ideas for home building firmsMichael Porter once explained that "competitive strategy is about being different," and we couldn't agree more. How can your Home Building brand generate more leads if every Home Building brand looks the same, acts the same, and offers the same services? Chances are, everyone would accumulate random leads here and there based on happenstance—everyone except those who dare to be different.  

And we have six ways you can start standing out with your digital marketing: 

1. Establish a Visual Presence

website development for home building firmsUse your website and display ads to create a presence around your logos and brand to help people recognize your company. Combined with branded signs at build sites, you could make your company more memorable because people will more likely recall visual images than words and text. Decades of research have found that your brain processes visuals 60,000X faster than text, with some studies pointing at the fact that 90% of the information transmitted to your brain is visual as the reason behind it.  

2. Demonstrate Expertise  

Using display ads to demonstrate expertise for home buildersUse your ads to show what knowledge and experience you have in homebuilding. That could be an attention-grabbing industry fact with a call-to-action (CTA) to an authoritative Home Building blog or as simple as how many years of experience your business displays in ads with a link to your page. The options are endless, and the more creative you are, the better results you can receive.  

3. Showcase Your Builds

Showcasing your home builds with Google My ProfileUtilize your website, social media platforms, Google My Profile, and more to showcase pictures of your home improvements or new builds online. That is an excellent way for people to see what you're capable of while bringing more authenticity to your work. According to one study, 61% of people expressed more interest in purchasing products and services from brands that provided them with images and videos to view first.   

4. Inform Customers on Trends with Content

Use content to show home building trendsLeverage content marketing for lead generation with Home Building blogs and videos that offer style and material advice, explain industry trends and help customers understand the need for their project. As long as you keep your educational content more informative and less sales-y, 74% of people say they'll trust it. Be careful with promoting your products and services when educating customers on your expertise and establishing authority on the topic. The trust in these materials drops to 45% when you add a CTA to your post or video. 

5. Share Customer Experiences

Share customer experiences with testimonialsDigital marketing provides a platform to share customer testimonials on your website, display ads, or social media. That is a crucial tip for lead generation because most people gauge their trust in companies by the reviews and testimonials of previous customers. According to recent statistics, as many as 92% of consumers check online reviews before making a purchase, and 72% say that testimonials and reviews boost their trust in a company.  

6. Partner with Digital Marketing Experts 

Digital marketing agency for home buildersWhen you partner with McClatchy, you gain access to the expertise and reach you need (and we have!) to get your brand in front of your targeted customers and set your Home Building brand up for success. Not only do we have experts vastly knowledgeable and experienced in driving results with all forms of digital marketing, but we've done it for Home Building companies specifically! That means we already know the best methods, practices, and more to reach your unique audience! 

Contact us today to start generating high-quality leads and nurturing them into conversion.  


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