Even law firms must work to make sure people who may need their services know that they are there. Legal marketing is crucial for law firms because their industry is nuanced and competitive – and very different from positioning a product in the market. The good news is that they have options for marketing to grow their legal brand and online presence.
In this post, we'll discuss legal marketing tips to help your firm educate and inform the public. We'll also talk about the role of marketing for law firms and look into some particularly effective channels.
Developing Your Legal Marketing
Because there are many more independent lawyers and small firms in the U.S. than big ones with corresponding budgets, marketing for law firms has predominately relied on word of mouth and referrals more than paid ads. However, legal marketing is critical for both the firm and the public. Many people never retain a lawyer until there is an urgent need, then they aren't sure where to turn.
Investing in your law firm's marketing helps you develop your niche by helping to educate the public and informing them of how they can take proactive steps to protect themselves, their families, and their businesses. It also lets them know on whom they can rely when they have different needs. It is a way to build and nurture relationships with future, current, and past clients.
Strategize Your Marketing Goals
Like preparing for a trial, creating a successful marketing campaign relies on sound strategy. You must have a clear goal, with a firm understanding of your target audience and what motivates them. Then, you need to know where to find them and which messaging you'd like to deliver to them.
For instance, if you are planning a social media campaign and your target demographic is 25-45-year-olds, there are specific channels that will be more effective than others. Based on research, TikTok might not be your best option, as its largest market segment is 18-24-year-olds. Instead, you would be better off going with Facebook or LinkedIn.
Establish Brand Authority through Education
Establishing a credible brand starts with having a well-crafted, accessible, and informative website. But remember, listing facts or statistics is not what engages your audience. Educating your target audience about your niche and establishing brand authority requires reaching them with accessible language and valuable resources, such as blog posts, infographics, or video content. Webinars and other educational events advertised on social media, like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn, also bring people to your website.
Spread Brand Awareness with OTT and Digital TV Ads
Video is one of the most accessible and engaging forms of advertising. It adds a human element, helping you to reach your audience, establish credibility, and build trust. Video ads to spread brand awareness and share more insight into your brand, who you are, and what services you offer. People are more likely to remember your ads if they reach them where they spend their time. For many, that is Over-the-Top (OTT) or digital television.
Develop a Presence on Search Engines
Virtually everyone uses search engines daily. They are an efficient way to quickly find what you need and connect you with the source. Developing your website to incorporate accessibility features and keywords helps optimize it, as does incorporating a blog that targets common questions, resulting in a higher ranking on search engines. Search engine marketing (SEM) gets your legal firm in front of the people who most need your services.
Implement These Legal Marketing Tips for Your Firm's Success
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Marketing for law firms is crucial – regardless of their size. It helps you build and nurture client relationships and establishes your brand authority, informing the public of your niche by showing that you are an industry leader with deep experience and knowledge. It makes you approachable and trustworthy by generating brand loyalty with helpful resources and information to guide your target audience.
Like planning the right legal strategy, crafting a highly successful legal marketing campaign requires the right tools, knowledge, and expertise. As the second-largest local media firm in the country, McClatchy can help with the tools that help you conduct a marketing campaign while providing on-demand access to the support to help when needed. With over 75 million unique digital visitors to our site, more than 10 million views of our monthly videos, and a combined 7 million social media followers, you get direct access to our vast local and national audiences, strategic digital tactics, local content sponsorships, and many other tools and resources. Contact us today to get started.